WCNY Travel Auction 2019 …


Hope everyone had a very Happy Holidays!

Now that life has settled down to a normal pace, we are not quite done yet.

It is time for WCNY’s Travel Auction and they would like us to man the phone bank once again this year

I have asked them to schedule us on Friday, January 11, 2019 from 8:00PM until 11:00PM.

Please come help out at the Travel Auction. It will only take a few hours, it is inside and warm, you get a free meal, get to sit down the entire time, and it is for a great cause!

I have to give the station a head count quite soon, so, if you are even considering coming, please let me know so I can get you on the list. It is easier to handle “no shows” than try and fill a spot last minute.

Thank you,

Karen Whedon
Syracuse HOG Community Service

communityservice@syracusehog.com / snooper101@msn.com

or call …

(315) 963-1941 or (315) 720-4611